Wednesday, April 6, 2011

The iPhone A little Grunge Work

Apps: BracketMode: Iris Textures:PicGrunger:DynamicLight

These images were captured last week on my way to and from the beach in Delaware...I have really been enjoying blending images in the app Juxtaposer...I am not sure why these images all represent something in decay or time passing, but it has been said the photographers images express their inner vision or maybe some subconscious thoughts. Britannica Online defines art as "the use of skill and imagination in the creation of aesthetic objects, environments, or experiences that can be shared with others." So I am sharing with you some of the objects or scenes that captured my interest. I'll be heading back to the beach tomorrow for my Beach Workshop this weekend!

Apps: Idroste to create a layer image: CameraPlusPro original clock capture: Iris for Textures and grunge: PicGrunger:Juxtaposer
Apps: Hipstamatic:Tejas~Kodot XGrizzled: PicGrunger: Juxtaposer Layers arranged
Apps: Hipsta~Tejas~Kodot XGrizzled: PicGunger: Iris:Texture

1 comment:

  1. Karen,
    Just have to let you know that my Iphone picture took first place in Lewes' Tulip Festival photography contest. Nobody knows yet! Will I get run out of town when the other entrants do? I am dying to take an iphone class with you.
