Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Farm Dreams ~ Camera+ ~ Stackables ~ Impresso ~ ImageBlender ~ Snapseed ~ Impression

Processed final image...Farm Dreams
Rainy day at the beach so I have some time to made good on a promise I made about writing a tutorial on my image "Farm Dreams" I posted on Facebook the other day....so here goes....
As with all images Capture is important, given subject and light. So my choice to capture the original image was with Camera+ in late afternoon light striking this side of the barn. The farm was a good way off the road and knowing that Camera+ has a zoom feature as well as an exposure and focus feature, I chose to capture the image with Camera+. When I captured it I knew that a zoomed in iPhone image would not give me the best quality for a "straight" shot, but I did not care about the quality just the capture, as I had intended to use processing applications to create a painterly look.
Image 1 original capture with a little tweaking in Snapseed.
I always run my original capture through Snapseed as a basic processing application for clarity, structure, ambience, white balance etc.....
Image 2 Processed in Stackables using the Formula feature and Tintype...
Image 3 Added texture filter Lacerations in Stackables to the Tintype filtered image and one more texture "Soft Clouds" at a very low opacity and saved to camera roll.
Image 4 Added my signature with Impression and saved to camera roll.

Image 5 This is Image 4 processed with the Impresso app...Choosing the preset "Portrait Perfect" and then adding an area of adjusted brush strength.
Settings in Impresso

Detail area selected
After making the image adjustments in Impresso I saved it to my camera roll for further editing.

Image 6 Blended with Image 5 and 4 in ImageBlender

After saving the blended image I then took the image back into Snapseed for contrast, brightness, detail and structure adjustments to arrive at the Final edited image.
Final Edited Image "Farm Dreams"
I love getting comments on Facebook from friends that see my images...and I just loved the interpretation of Carol Tharp when she wrote "Reality ripping away at your dream!" Awesome insight, tho I never wanted a farm in many ways this may be true....about reality anyway!
and thank you.....Jean Pineda Quimpo...who commented on my FB page "Hope we can get some tutorials on your piece."
Have fun shooting and using your iPhone for creative endeavors! Hope to see some of you on an iPhone or Big Camera workshop one day! or find me on FB!